Malton Equine Veterinary Services

Mare Reproductive Services

Surgical management of the vulva and perineum
Surgical management of the vulva and perineum
There are multiple surgical procedures aimed at addressing reproductive anatomy issues to improve mare fertility.

One common concern is an incompetent vulval seal, which can impact reproductive success due to aspiration of air (“pneumovagina”) containing faecal material, copious bacteria and other environmental contaminants such as fungal spores into the uterus, leading to inflammation and/or infection. A cavernous pneumovagina is also prone to urine-pooling, which can have severely detrimental effects on fertility given the irritant characteristics of urine. We offer targeted surgical interventions designed to correct these issues, which ultimately enhance the mare’s chances of successful conception, sometimes dramatically.

Malton Equine Veterinary Services

Caudal Reproductive Tract Issues:

The term “caudal reproductive tract” refers to the mare’s anatomy behind the uterus, primarily the vagina, vestibule, vulva, perineum, urethra and clitoris. Our experienced equine veterinarians assess each mare’s unique situation and tailor surgical interventions to address specific caudal anatomy concerns. The procedures we offer include the commonly performed Caslick’s procedure, perineal body reconstruction (Episioplasty/ Gadd), perineal body transection (Pouret) and urethral extensions, all of which techniques are meticulously designed by internationally renowned reproductive specialists and surgeons to correct conformational abnormalities that compromise reproductive health. In addition to those listed, we are experienced in surgically repairing foaling-related injuries to the caudal reproductive tract such as 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree perineal lacerations (tears), rectovaginal fistulae and cervical tears, all of which markedly impair fertility.

’Standing Surgery’ for Maximal Safety and Minimal Stress:

To ensure the comfort and safety of the mare, these surgical interventions are typically conducted using a method known as ‘standing surgery.’ This means that the procedures can be performed with the mare securely positioned in stocks, eliminating the need for general anaesthesia. Sedation and local anaesthetic sometimes via epidural, are administered to minimise stress and discomfort, allowing for a more controlled and less risky surgical experience.

Improving Vulval Seal Competence:

The primary goal of these surgeries is to preserve or enhance the competency of the reproductive tract to optimally serve its desired function. By correcting conformational abnormalities or injuries, we aim to promptly return the uterus to the optimal environment it so critically needs to be in order to achieve and maintain a successful pregnancy to term.

Emergency veterinary attention for your horse may be required at any time of the day or night. We provide veterinary care 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to registered clients.

Mare Reproductive Services

Our veterinary pre-breeding assessments for mares are designed to lay the foundation for successful equine reproduction and identify any potential problems early.

Pre-breeding Examination

We meticulously evaluate the health and fertility of the mare prior to cover, ensuring compatibility for a successful breeding experience.

Natural cover

We understand the importance of leveraging advanced reproductive technologies to optimize the breeding success of your beloved equine companions.

Artificial Insemination

Embryo transfer allows breeders to multiply the genetic potential of mares, offering a range of benefits that enhance both efficiency and success in breeding programs.

Embryo Transfer

We use a comprehensive approach to the investigation of difficult breeders.

Infertility Investigation

In our commitment to comprehensive equine reproductive care, we employ advanced techniques such as hysteroscopic treatment to address infertility issues that may arise from blocked oviducts in mares.

Hysteroscopic treatment of the Oviduct (Fallopian tube)

Due to the very rare survival of twin pregnancies to term it is recommended to reduce one of the embryos to result in a single remaining pregnancy.

Twin reduction

In equine veterinary medicine, the ability to determine fetal gender is a valuable aspect of reproductive care, aiding breeders in their strategic breeding programs.

Foetal gender determination

There are multiple surgical procedures aimed at addressing caudal anatomy issues to improve mare fertility.

Surgical management of the vulva and perineum

We prioritize the well-being of pregnant mares through comprehensive monitoring techniques, including advanced ultrasound scans.

Monitoring of the placenta during pregnancy

Veterinary monitoring of equine pregnancy is a critical aspect of ensuring the health and well-being of both the mare and the developing foal.

Monitoring of the high rick pregnancy

Malton Equine is dedicated to providing comprehensive care for pregnant mares, covering general well-being, strategic worming, and vaccinations crucial for a healthy pregnancy.

General care, worming and vaccinating the pregnant mare

At Malton Equine, we understand that despite meticulous breeding and attentive care, complications can occasionally arise during the foaling process.

Assisted Foaling

In the critical post-foaling period, Malton Equine can assist in the thorough management of your mare's health.

Post-Foaling disease management

Undesirable or atypical behavior exhibited by mares during their oestrous cycles can often be indicative of underlying reproductive issues.

Suppression of oestrus ('Moody' Mare Management)

Unfortunate circumstances can result in a foal being left without its own mare to rear it.

Fostering the orphan foal